DATABOX : Your temporary high-speed Internet connection

Whether you need a temporary Internet connection solution for a festival coverage, on a construction site or for a business seminar, our Databox is your all-in-one solution.

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The 4G Databox : Your high-performance Internet connection under all conditions

Discover its functionalities
Secured and autonomous network
The Databox is fitted with a battery. Either in a compact format or in a backpack version, it ensures a high-speed Internet access whatever the network and the place where you use it. You can therefore benefit from a secured network as well as a long-term autonomy.
A turnkey solution
Thanks to the plug and play technology, simply click on a button to activate your secured high-speed, Wi-Fi and wired Internet connection.
A powerful and intuitive solution to ensure a quick and easy installation.

Delivery within 24 hours
For an event coverage, a seminar or even as a backup solution in case of failure, UPS will deliver you a Databox within 24 hours for a quick and functional installation.
Remote technical support
You need to set the IP address of your Databox, modify the Wi-Fi network or check the coverage level provided by operators ?
Our team offers remote support to help you with this experience of temporary connection with a Databox.

The Databox : The ultimate solution dedicated to your events

You can not let the success of your event spoiled by tech fails such as Internet blackout.

To avoid them, our Databox is the solution for a high-speed Internet access everywhere in France and in Europe.

For an efficient and reliable connection, our Databox is equipped with a unique technology allowing 4G or Wi-Fi access as it gathers all the 4G networks, thus ensuring high availability.

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A knowledgeable service-driven team !

Whenever you rent our Databox, we guarantee reliable remote tech support with friendly, highly-qualified staff ready to guide you with your project.

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The 4G Databox : Your best ally for very high-speed Internet coverage throughout France and Europe

About the 4G Databox

Datanaute is a company founded in 2004 by Jean-Charles DESPRÉS. Specialized in the deployment of temporary Wi-Fi networks, we have been accompanying our customers for years, providing Internet coverage for their events : festivals, construction sites, conferences, seminars, car rallies or even marathons. We intervene everywhere in France but also all over the world for all types of events. Our team, expert in the installation of temporary Internet connection, ensures the deployment of the network infrastructure and provides maintenance throughout your rental for a coverage guaranteed without interruption.

The advantages of the 4G Databox

During its development, we designed the 4G Databox as an easy-to-install and stand-alone solution that best meets our customers’ expectations. Thus, we offer a turnkey solution, which does not require any technical knowledge. All you need to do is connect the 4G Databox to benefit from very high-speed Internet coverage as well as 100 GB of data, thanks to a multi-operator system which brings together 4 different 4G networks. Available for short or long term rental, our technical team ensures delivery within 24 hours and covers remote maintenance throughout the duration of the event to guarantee you a continuous connection.

The Databox by Datanaute

The 4G Databox is a plug and play solution that provides very high-speed Internet coverage for any use. Initially intended for our own use as a backup for our satellite connections, the Databox very quickly attracted many customers looking for a solution that was easy to set up, mobile, cheaper than a complex and autonomous equipment. The 4G Databox was originally developped internally to meet the needs of the sector and has become the ideal temporary Wi-Fi coverage solution for each of your events.

The areas of activity

The use of the Databox varies since it adapts to each project and allows seamless temporary Internet access to ensure the coverage of any event. During festivals or an exhibition, the organizers can rely on the Databox for the management of their ticket office. During a live performance, conference or sporting event, journalists and technicians manage to achieve an excellent image quality without risk of cut-off. On a site with poor Internet coverage, the battery-powered Databox provides autonomous and mobile coverage. Its customized backpack allows easy and comfortable transport. To ensure Internet access during a business seminar or for your hotel guests, the secured connection and its 100 GB of data provide coverage without any risk of interruption.